Apply for Funding
Community Placemaking Program
The Nawalakw Community Education and Demonstration Farm in Alert Bay brings Elders, youth, and ‘Yalis community members together to gather and share knowledge. The Community Placemaking program was launched in 2021 and provides up to $50,000 for communities to re-imagine everyday spaces. Photo by Hannah Roessler.
Our Community Placemaking Program provides up to $40,000 in funding for communities to collaboratively create and transform public spaces into vibrant, inclusive and thriving places. This program encourages innovative initiatives that foster positive social, economic and environmental impacts.
The program is open to Indigenous communities including Indigenous development corporations, local and regional governments, and not-for-profit organizations.
Application Deadlines
Applications are accepted on a continuing basis until the annual funding allocation has been reached.
How to Apply
Please review the Application Guide (PDF) for information on who can apply, eligible activities and costs, and assessment criteria.
Please contact Hilary Muth prior to developing your funding application. Hilary is available to advise on eligibility and to provide support and insights that will position your project funding application for the highest probability of success.
Hilary Muth
Special & Rural Projects Coordinator.
For your project to be considered for review, a fully completed funding application must be received that includes the following:
- Funding Application Form (PDF)
- Concept Design
- Quotes received from contractors or consultants
- The most current financial statements for the applicant organization
If available:
- Business or feasibility plans
- Letters from community partners to demonstrate support and engagement
- Letters of support from key project partners
If applicable:
- Permits
- Agreement with site owner if the public space is situated on a property the applicant organization does not wholly own.
- Constitution, Bylaws, and the society’s current list of directors for first-time non-profits applicants.
Funding Decisions
Our staff will review the complete application and fulfill their due diligence responsibilities to make a recommendation for funds to be approved. Through the course of the project review process, our staff will work with you transparently to ask questions, identify components of the project that may need additional development, or work with you to mitigate project-related risks that are identified.
Project Reporting for Approved Projects
Once approved, we will provide applicants with a funding agreement. Successful applicants will receive an initial disbursement (50% of the total grant amount). The funding agreement identifies payment schedule, project milestones, insurance requirements, and acknowledgement of funds, etc. Projects should begin within 90 days of approval.
We work with project leads to meet the reporting and funding milestones in each agreement. Funds are disbursed upon receipt of supporting invoices, which must be included in both your progress and final reports. We will share the reporting templates ahead of time.
The final report should include both narrative and quantitative outcomes. Applicants are required to contact us to request a Final Report template within 30 days of project completion.
The applicant is responsible for completing the project within the scope provided in the approved funding application. If there is a subsequent event that occurs impacting the project, or an internal decision by your organization to alter the project, an amendment to the funding application must be submitted to the Trust and approved prior to changes in the project occurring.
Contact Us
Do you have any questions? We’d love to hear from you — especially about a project idea and an opportunity to develop a fundable project with you. Please don’t hesitate to call or email us any time.
Hilary Muth
Special and Rural Projects Coordinator