COURTENAY – On the heels of a recent economic development strategy, the Town of Ladysmith is championing a new approach to attract investment, supported with funding from ICET.
With participation from a broad set of local stakeholders, the Ladysmith area is working to enhance access to information for potential investors. In combination with a robust website, the community will custom develop an innovative mobile app providing up to the minute information about emerging business opportunities.
“While investment attraction websites are a must to remain competitive, apps represent a new level of engagement for visitors and investors in search of a great place to invest and build a business,” explained Amy Melmock, Manager of Economic Development Cowichan.
After downloading the app, potential investors who are visiting the Ladysmith area will have real time access to detailed information about the business opportunities available for investment. The app will also be available remotely, providing access to an online database of opportunities.
Through the app visitors will also be able to explore an array of cultural insights about the community, including information related to the First Nations and industrial heritage of Ladysmith.
“This project shows the level of innovation and creativity we have in the region when it comes to reaching out to potential investors and job-creators,” said ICET Chair Josie Osborne. “The website and app will provide a clear investment profile while aligning with regional aspirations and provincial priorities to leverage technology in new and unexpected ways.”
The project will be led by Economic Development Cowichan with participation from each of the six other partners involved in building the strategy, including the Town of Ladysmith, Economic Development Cowichan, Stz’uminus First Nation, the Nanaimo Airport, the Ladysmith Chamber of Commerce, the Ladysmith Downtown Business Association and Community Futures Central Island.
The project will get underway in February 2019, and completion is forecast by the end of August.
About the Island Coastal Economic Trust
Created and capitalized by the Province of BC, the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) has been at the forefront of economic diversification, planning and regional revitalization for the past twelve years.
ICET is independently governed by a Board of Directors and two Regional Advisory Committees which include more than 50 locally elected officials, MLAs and appointees from the Island and Coast. This exceptional team of leaders collaborate to set regional priorities and build vital multi-regional networks.
Through a community centered decision-making process, ICET has approved more than $50 million in funding for over 200 economic infrastructure and economic development readiness projects.  These investments have leveraged over $270 million in new investment into the region creating more than 2500 construction phase jobs and 2600 long term permanent jobs.
A full overview of ICET can be found at
For further information:
Line Robert, CEO Island Coastal Economic Trust Tel. 250-871-7797 (Ext. 227)
Mayor Josie Osborne, ICET ChairDistrict of TofinoTel.
Amy MelmockManager, Economic Development CowichanTel.

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