Fully connected 40km pathway will facilitate new self-propelled travel experiences
COURTENAY, 7 July 2022 – Ucluelet and Tofino will be able to access new tourism markets thanks to finishing the final leg of a 40km pathway connecting these two West Coast destinations, with funding support from Island Coastal Economic Trust’s Capital & Innovation Program (Diversify).
This project will build the final 1.2km between Ucluelet and the Pacific Rim National Park, to create a continuous trail connecting Ucluelet, Millstream, Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ lands, Esowista, Ty-Histanis, the Long Beach Airport and Tofino. The fully connected trail integrates existing multi-use pathways in each community, as well as the new 25km ʔapsčiik t’ašii trail in the Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.
“This pathway will expand year-round recreational offerings, and attract new day trip and overnight cycling enthusiasts,” explains Director Kel Roberts for Long Beach (Electoral Area C). “Our many communities will benefit for years to come from the completion of this incredible trail.”
The multi-use pathway will provide a clean, healthy alternative to motorized transport, help reduce traffic and congestion in the region and improve access to the area’s iconic beaches, coastal rainforests, and special areas of cultural and historical significance.
“This project will appeal to the growing destination cycling market, and expand business investment and attraction related to cycling tourism,” says Aaron Stone, ICET Board Chair. “It also enhances the region’s cultural and tourism education market.”
Trail improvements will mitigate safety issues such as little to no shoulder along the roadway. The trail will be a 3-meter wide, separated asphalt pathway to provide pedestrians, runners, and cyclists with safe and barrier-free trail access.
The West Coast Multi Use Pathway Trail project is funded from the Destination Trails stream of the ICET’s Capital & Innovation Program.
The Trust will contribute $200,000 to the total estimated project cost of $1,540,000.
For more information about the Capital & Innovation Program, please see our guidelines and application form: www.islandcoastaltrust.ca
About Island Coastal Economic Trust
Founded by the Province of British Columbia in 2006, the Island Coastal Economic Trust works to build a sustainable and resilient coastal economy in reciprocal relationships with First Nations, municipalities, and regional districts across Vancouver Island, the Sunshine Coast, and islands and inlets from the Salish Sea to Cape Caution. Serving over half a million residents, we partner with communities in the development and financing of their economic infrastructure and diversification efforts through our unique structure that is led by, and accountable to, communities.
Since our inception, Island Coastal Economic Trust has approved more than $55 million to economic development initiatives that have attracted over $270 million in new investment to our region. These investments have created over 2,750 permanent jobs, and countless positive impacts, across the coast.
Island Coastal Economic Trust acknowledges that we work for communities across the ancestral and unceded territories of the Kwak̓wala, Nuučaan̓uɫ, Éy7á7juuthem, Ligwilda’xw, Pəntl’áč, She shashishalhem, Hul’q’umi’num’, diitiidʔaatx̣, SENĆOŦEN, Lekwungen, and T’Sou-ke speaking peoples.
For more information, please visit: www.islandcoastaltrust.ca.
Hilary Muth, Communications Coordinator
Island Coastal Economic Trust