Project Title:

Uchucklesaht Economic Development Strategic Plan

Project Organization:

Uchucklesaht Tribe Government

Project Investment:

  • Island Coastal Economic Trust: $30,000
  • Applicant Equity: $40,000
  • Total Budget: $70,000

Project Highlight:

The Uchucklesaht Tribe has two villages that are situated approximately 24 miles down the Barkley Sound, southwest from Port Alberni.

The Uchucklesaht Tribe, comprised of approximately 300 members mostly living within the City of Port Alberni, has not had an economic development strategy since 2012.

The Nation’s current economic state and business and community interests are primarily based on fisheries and aquaculture, forestry, residential real estate, and freshwater bottled beverage products.

To create a new plan that better reflects current needs, a comprehensive, community-led planning project will be prepared.

This plan will examine opportunities in tourism, value-added wood biomass, seafood processing, craft retailing, and rental housing, as well as explore new product lines for existing food and beverage activities, among other prospective opportunities.

This strategic planning exercise will include business environment scans for known areas of economic interest, extensive research into emerging sectors, and a comprehensive toolkit of current and future activities and investments.

Island Coastal Economic Trust approved funding for this project in 2023 through the Investment Readiness program.