Since 2012, the District of Ucluelet has implemented many initiatives identified in its economic development strategy, including a business retention and expansion program, and diversification into tourism and marine-related sectors. In 2017 Ucluelet updated its economic development strategy, which prioritized investment attraction by highlighting the community’s key economic attributes and opportunities.
This project will deliver materials to support investment attraction on the District of Ucluelet website, including an updated community profile, business opportunity guide, and economic indicators, as well as a guide outlining the development approval process and other steps to starting a business in Ucluelet.
Anticipated outcomes include the attraction of new residential and commercial developers, support for local start-ups, and improved investment readiness for underserved markets in the community.
Island Coastal Economic Trust approved funding for this project in 2018 through the Investment Readiness program.
We work in reciprocal relationships with coastal communities across the ancestral territories of the Kwak̓wala, Nuučaan̓uɫ, Éy7á7juuthem, Ligwilda'xw, Pəntl'áč, She shashishalhem, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Hul’q’umi’num’, diitiidʔaatx̣, SENĆOŦEN, Lekwungen, and T’Sou-ke speaking peoples.