The Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis First Nation’s (KHFN) Village of Gwa’yas’dums currently relies on outdated technology that provides slow, unreliable internet access. This project aims to increase last-mile digital infrastructure to the remote village. A connectivity strategy is a first step towards securing much-needed investments in broadband upgrades.
The strategy includes a community consultation process to identify needs and wants, provide a current inventory of connectivity infrastructure, identify technology and network solutions and develop cost estimates. Once completed the strategy will provide a roadmap to guide the build-out of the digital landscapes.
Access to adequate, reliable internet will open up new revenue streams and career development opportunities for KHFN members, and bring vital services such as training, telehealth, and video conference medical appointments to our community.
Island Coastal Economic Trust approved funding for this project in 2021 through the Investment Readiness program.
We work in reciprocal relationships with coastal communities across the ancestral territories of the Kwak̓wala, Nuučaan̓uɫ, Éy7á7juuthem, Ligwilda'xw, Pəntl'áč, She shashishalhem, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, Hul’q’umi’num’, diitiidʔaatx̣, SENĆOŦEN, Lekwungen, and T’Sou-ke speaking peoples.