Strategic Plan

In preparing the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, community leaders reflected on key learnings from the Trust’s first 16 years, recent independent legislative recommendations, as well as the social and economic situations faced by coastal communities, businesses, and people.

To support the strategic planning process, members of the regional advisory committees, board, and CEO engaged with First Nations, local governments, non-profit organizations, industry associations, businesses, along with provincial and federal government ministries and agencies regarding key decisions ahead in 2023-2026.

  • Provide the Government of B.C. with a comprehensive business plan for a generational investment of at least $150 million to equip coastal communities with a permanent community-led regional trust that invests in inclusive sustainable development for generations to come.
  • Facilitate dialogue with First Nations governments, local governments, and the Province of British Columbia towards realizing full inclusion of First Nations in the Trust’s governance through a new model of co-governance.

It is from this consensus vision and vital actions that we developed our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. Through this 2025-26 update, the board has resolved to continue working on the three year strategic goals and objectives set in 2023. The board will report on the second year of the strategic plan in its 2023-24 Impact Report that will be published in July 2025.

We invite you to read our updated three-year strategic plan: