Project Title:

VIEA Economic Strategy

Project Organization:

Vancouver Island Economic Alliance

Project Investment:

  • Island Coastal Economic Trust: $7,500
  • Applicant Equity: $7,500
  • Total Budget: $15,000

Project Highlight:

The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance has been hosting the Economic Summit annually since 2007, bringing together stakeholders from across the state, regions, or communities to examine research on issues critical to economic development.

The Vancouver Island Economic Alliance (VIEA) is a pivotal regional non-governmental, non-profit society dedicated to fostering economic vitality across the Vancouver Island and rural islands region. With the changing economic landscape, combined with a new CEO, VIEA has the opportunity to realign its resources and strategy to maximize impact. 

This project will orchestrate a strategic planning process that involves engagement with regional actors, members, and stakeholders. Through a consultative process, committed to by the board, the project will provide a comprehensive strategic plan to guide the organization’s endeavours over the next three years.

Island Coastal Economic Trust approved funding for this project in 2023 through the Investment Readiness program.