Project Title:

Investment Attraction Strategy

Project Organization:

Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization

Project Investment:

  • Island Coastal Economic Trust: $30,000
  • Applicant Equity: $45,000
  • Total Budget: $75,000

Project Highlight:

Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization is a joint partnership between the Town of Gibsons, the District of Sechelt, Sunshine Coast Regional District, and the Sechelt Indian Government District.

This project builds on a comprehensive land use white paper, commissioned by the Sunshine Coast Regional Economic Development Organization (SCREDO) in 2021, which found 1,167 acres of vacant, employment-generating land. The report identified high-priority nodes and sectors which will be explored in this strategic planning process, such as warehousing and distribution, agri-tech, and ocean innovation.

SCREDO has partnered with the Town of Gibsons, the District of Sechelt, Sunshine Coast Regional District, and the Sechelt Indian Government District to create a coordinated plan for employment intensification, green growth, and the creation of community capital.

Project outputs will include a digital land needs assessment tool that marries inbound investment criteria with suitable parcels of industrial and commercial land, and policy recommendations for protection and intensification of existing employment land base.

The goal is to identify potential actions that support the continued evolution of a more sustainable and well-rounded Sunshine Coast economy, as well as inform preliminary work already underway to develop a regional growth strategy.

Island Coastal Economic Trust approved funding for this project in 2023 through the Investment Readiness program.